Programs & Services
You are not alone in needing support. More than 15,000 individuals in 20 communities rely on Pathlights’ services each year.
Call us at 708.361.0219 to determine if you or someone you care for qualifies for our programs and services.
We help provide equal access to:
Adult Protective Services
Has an older person or adult with disabilities made unusual changes in spending patterns? Does he or she have unexplained injuries, bruises, cuts, or sores? Is your older neighbor living in unsanitary conditions or displaying poor hygiene or has a sudden change in behavior that is concerning?
Our experienced team partners with the Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA) to investigate abuse, address concerns, and help eliminate and reduce the risk of abuse. Abuse takes many forms: physical, sexual, emotional, confinement, passive neglect, self-neglect, abandonment, willful deprivation, and financial exploitation. We consult community experts in banking, law, mental health, and social work, or experts who belong to faith-based, medical and housing organizations to discuss and resolve some of the most challenging cases of abuse. If you suspect an older adult or adult with disabilities is a victim of abuse, immediately make a report by calling Pathlights or the state hotline at 1.866.800.1409. Your identity will remain anonymous.
ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Home Preservation Project
Can you move around safely in your home? Is it easy to get to the phone? Do wobbly steps prevent you from getting outside as often as you’d like? Can you safely shower?
Housing specialists provide guidance on housing needs to ensure older adults can age in place and remain in the community. Additionally, housing specialists connect clients to community partners to address specific housing issues.
Benefits & Advocacy
Are you aware of the benefits available to older adults and adults with disabilities?
These programs include, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), energy assistance programs, property tax savings, license plate sticker & transit discounts and cell phone/internet savings. Our experts help you learn about, evaluate, assess eligibility and apply for these cost-saving programs. In addition, we provide Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) counseling on health insurance related matters such as Medicare Supplements, Medicaid, Medicare Part B, Extra Help programs and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug plans and coverage.
Caregiver Support
Choices For Care Program
Are you getting ready to leave the hospital or rehab?
This program is aimed at decreasing the chances of older adults being re-admitted to hospitals and helps ensure proper services are in place following discharge from a hospital or rehabilitation stay. Our trained professionals conduct exit screenings and assessments within three local hospital systems and area nursing facilities to help patients understand their options for home and community-based services.
Home-Delivered Meals
Are you unable to shop for groceries or prepare your meals? Does injury or illness prevent you from making your meals right now?
Nutritious meals are delivered to the home for people who are either temporarily or permanently unable to manage meal preparation and access food. We also offer meal options for people who require special diets such as vegetarian, renal-friendly, pureed, gluten-free and other medically necessary special dietary meals. This service doubles as a well-being check – necessary for individuals who experience social isolation.
HomeMeds℠ Medication Safety Program
Do you take multiple prescriptions from multiple doctors and/or over-the-counter medications/supplements? ?
A lengthy list of pharmaceuticals prescribed by one or multiple doctors may result in side-effects that lead to falls and recurring hospitalizations. A pharmacist will review your medications and provide a report of the findings so that you can follow-up with your doctor(s) about any concerns. You don’t have to be a client or be receiving services from Pathlights to participate in this program and patients can have their medications reviewed by a pharmacist as often as they like.
Information & Assistance
What kind of support is available in the community?
Specialists provide guidance and referrals to aging resources and connections such as legal, housing, health & finance, transportation and other services and supports.
In-Home Services
Do you need assistance with personal care, meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry or grocery shopping?
Call us to discuss eligibility for services based on your assets and/or income. If you qualify, we arrange services from non-medical care providers that assist managing daily household activities. In addition, we assess your need for other services such as home-delivered meals, emergency home response systems, automatic medication dispensers, and adult day services.
Options Counseling
Do you need guidance to create your best care plan?
This independent decision-support process guides clients, friends, and family as they explore future care choices. Our staff helps you find your best path and develop an action plan based on individual needs and preferences.
Shared Housing
Do you have an extra room in your home? Are you looking for affordable housing?
Our roommate matching connects independent people who have houses, apartments, or condos with independent people needing an affordable place to live. One of the participants must be 62+ years of age or have a disability. Providers and seekers are thoroughly vetted, and we provide guidance on agreements.
I feel very lucky they are here to lean on. My caseworker has organized meals delivery and other services so I can stay in the home I’ve lived in for more than 60 years.”
— Carol, Pathlights' Client